A digital guarantor to boost your rental record and rent your future home.

Advenis Résidences and SmartGarant boosts your rental file and protects landlords for free. You no longer need to have a permanent contract to be on top of your future landlord's pile.

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Take advantage of 1 mois offered 🎉

Why tenants choose SmartGarant ?

Our guarantee covers your rents and charges for the duration of the lease and its renewals.

Make a simulation

Your file boosted in less than 2 hours

We validate your file within 2 hours for free thanks to our technology.

A dedicated team at your service.

Our consultants are here to guide you and answer your questions. We can even call your landlord to support your application.

Easy access to your future home.

With SmartGarant, you multiply your chances of getting the home of your dreams !

A simple and fast process, in 4 steps

A simplified process, 100% online, to save you time.

personne tenant son smartphone blanc assis

Test your eligibility for free ~ 3 min

Fill in our form and find out your rent estimation immediately

boost icon

Get your guarantor ~ 2h

Submit your supporting documents and get your free SmartGarant certificate.

home icon

Find your accommodation thanks to your boosted file ~ 10x faster

Get support in your search for accommodation, we support your application.

approval icon

Activate your SmartGarant guarantee ~ in 2 clicks

Get your landlord's approval and choose your offer. All you have to do then is move in.

A tailor-made offer

Our service is open to everyone: students, flat-sharers, expatriates, temporary workers, etc.

Indicate your monthly rent

Let's calculate the cost of SmartGarant for your rent.

€ / month



Free before you have found a home

SmartGarant certificate in less than 2 hours

We cover your rent for the duration of the lease

They love SmartGarant, and we love them

Our customers speak best of it.

4.9 / 5 on Google Review

Let's go, I'm boosting my file!

SmartGarant puts forward the seriousness of your file and your solvency to reassure your future owner.